Mandatory Minimums


Non-Sequiturs: 04.03.17

* This is how Neil Gorsuch has benefited from (a form of) affirmative action. [Washington Post] * Hate mandatory minimum sentences? The Supreme Court may have handed you a victory. [The Hill] * Hold onto your seats and get ready for a filibuster. [NPR] * Another sexual harassment lawsuit at Fox News. The attorney filing the suit calls them "the Bill Cosby of corporate America." [Huffington Post] * Can Elizabeth Warren un-learn talking like a lawyer? [Law and More] * Justice Thomas doesn't seem fully on board with civil forfeitures. [The Atlantic]


Non-Sequiturs: 02.02.16

* Yup, the criminal justice system is super broken. After being jailed for 2 years in Rikers and still fighting to clear his name for a crime even the victim's family doesn't think he committed, Enger Javier now wants to be a lawyer. [Gawker] * Emotional tale of the lives behind mandatory minimums, though this one might have a happy ending. Demaryius Thomas's mother, recently released from prison after 15 years after being pardoned by President Obama, is going to the Super Bowl. [ESPN] * Should conservatives accept the delegation of legislative power? Heresy! [Library of Law and Liberty] * Is there an issue with cognitive decline on the U.S. Supreme Court? And will anyone do anything about it? [Los Angeles Times] * It's a jungle out there: If you're a lawyer, when you wake up, you better be running. [Associate's Mind] * Yup, a law student is suing over a wafer-less Kit-Kat. [Yahoo] * We previously mentioned Orrick's opening up in Houston; here are the identities of 13 of the new partners. [Legal Business] * Great advice for making the most of networking opportunities. [Rebooting Your Law Practice] * ATL managing editor David Lat will be in San Francisco a week from today, and you're cordially invited to meet him at this cocktail reception and Supreme Ambitions (affiliate link) book signing. [FBANC via Eventbrite]